Paul Avis – Superintendent of Telecom Kitsap PUD and Bjorn Wannman – COS Systems
Washington Utility Expands Cooperation with COS Systems From Aggregating Demand for Fiber Using COS Service Zones to Also Managing Their Network And Subscribers Using Business and Operations Support System COS Business Engine
KITSAP COUNTY, Washington – KPUD (Kitsap Public Utility District) has been using COS Systems’ demand aggregation software COS Service Zones to survey the county, create community engagement and understand the desire for the deployment of a utility owned fiber optic network connecting the residents with gigabit speeds.
“We know there is a need for better broadband in our community, and after all positive responses we’ve received in COS Service Zones, we are confident that investing in high-speed broadband network expansion is necessary for our community, “ said Bob Hunter, General Manager at KPUD.
KPUD is one of 28 Public Utility Districts in Washington who have jointly built a fiber ring reaching almost every corner of the State and KPUD has continued to expand their fiber backbone within the county.
“With our extensive fiber backbone we are flexible in where we can deploy to residents, however, we need to understand where there is need and demand. Our approach using COS Service Zones splits the county up into small buildable neighborhood zones where we will set a target number of people to sign up in each neighborhood. If there are no technical difficulties, as zones reach the target we will extend our network in the order that is most cost effective and which will bring fiber first to those who want or need it most. At the same time this approach ensures that we deploy where we have a reasonable business case. We plan to spend our money wisely, “ said Hunter.
When moving into the residential market KPUD will do it with an Open Access model, which means they will provide the infrastructure while the services will be delivered by independent service providers, driving competition to the good of the residents.
“If you’re not happy with your current service, just go to the web portal and pick a new provider, “comments Paul Avis, Superintendent of Telecom at KPUD.
In broadband, Open Access is almost synonymous with Sweden where fiber networks have been deployed on big scale since the 90´s and where this model is dominating the market.
“Since we’re doing Open Access we found it natural to choose a partner who has been doing this on the most established market in the world for 10 years, “ Said Avis.
“The complexity in network operations increases dramatically when you open it up for multiple providers, but with the right system you can actually increase your efficiency. It’s all about ensuring a high data quality with built in validations and keeping track of all the moving parts, which our system COS Business Engine does extremely well, “ said Bjorn Wannman, International Business Developer at COS Systems.
The system is planned to be launched to the public in September, when residents in connected areas will be able to go to the website and shop for their Internet services as easy as buying apps on the Appstore.
“We have a big number of COS Service Zones customers in the US, but for us it’s a very important milestone when we now bring our network management solution to the market. We hope and believe our long experience in Open Access and our system COS Business Engine will play a significant role in their success as KPUD now moves into the FTTH (Fiber-To-The-Home) arena,” said Isak Finér, Chief Marketing Officer at COS Systems.
About COS Business Engine
COS Business Engine is a proven network management solution, supporting both single-provider and open-access networks. Subscribers buy their Internet services from an online marketplace, which increases take rates, ARPU, and customer satisfaction, as the network owner can offer 24/7 availability, while reaching maximum operations efficiency, thanks to the extensive use of self-service solutions.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
About Kitsap PUD
Kitsap Public Utility District (KPUD ) is a municipal corporation in Washington State with incorporated boundaries parallel to Kitsap County. Our mission is building and strengthening communities through utility services. We are proud to be connecting residents of Kitsap County to each other, to local government, and to the world.
For additional information, contact:
Isak Finér
Chief Marketing Officer
COS Systems AB
+46-737 51 99 38
Paul Avis
Superintendent of Telecom
Kitsap PUD
(360) 626-7731
COS Systems Winners at Umeagalan
A unique product suite and the last years’ international successes were the main reasons why COS Systems was named winners in the category Best New Business at this year’s Umea Gala (Umeågalan).
Since 2004 the Umea Gala has recognized successful companies in COS System’s hometown Umea that are contributing positively to the city’s development and the local business community. This year the prize for Best New Business 2016, was won by COS Systems.
“The best new business of the year is a company that enriches the business community of Umea with new ways of thinking. The winning company offers a unique product or service and has built a solid foundation for long term growth and success. The winner is a role model for others starting and growing their business. Other important factors are export outside of the city and country and the constant challenging of established ways of conducting business.”
“It’s always great to win and this prize is something we can all be very proud of,” says COS Systems CMO Isak Finer. “The entire COS team has worked very hard to develop, market and sell our unique solutions for Demand Aggregation (COS Service Zones) and Open Access Network Management (COS Business Engine). With the successes we’ve seen the past few years we all feel we are getting up to speed, but with our targets set very high the common feeling is that we’re just getting started. When you’re working hard every day it’s often difficult to take a step back and look at what you’ve achieved so far. This recognition made us do just that and we are very proud of the prize and what we have accomplished the past few years.”
“This prize might not have a great meaning to our international customers who probably have never even heard of Umea, but for us winning this prize is fantastic. We have a great team that has managed to take us to where we are today, with a truly unique product suite and customers soon in every corner of the world. But to keep the momentum going we need to grow our team. Backed by a state of the art fiber infrastructure our city boasts a very strong IT sector and there’s fierce competition to recruit developers and other competences we need. Winning this prize certainly puts us on the map. I hope and believe that this recognition will help us in recruiting the best talents,” says Peter Lidstrom, CEO.
About Umeågalan and Umeå
Umeågalan was founded in 2004 to recognize successful companies and entrepreneurs and their importance to the growth and development of the City of Umeå. The Gala has grown into the biggest and most important event for the city’s business community. It’s a place for entrepreneurs to meet and the vision of the event is that Umeå will offer the best opportunities for starting and growing new businesses in Sweden. Umeå is the largest city in the northern part of Sweden with 120,000 people. It is one of the fastest growing IT regions in the country with many successful startups and an inflow of new competency from one of Sweden’s largest universities with over 30,000 students.
About COS Systems
COS Systems is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
For additional information, contact:
Peter Lidstrom
Chief Executive Officer
COS Systems
+46 70 656 58 72
COS Systems Nominated at Umeagalan
Since 2004 the Umea Gala has recognized successful companies in our hometown Umea that are contributing positively to the city’s development and the local business community.
We at COS are proud to be nominated in the category Best New Business 2016. It might sound odd that we, with roots from early 2000’s, our first major product released in 2008 and our foundation as a stand alone company in 2011 are awarded in this category, but when reading the description of the prize it makes perfect sense.
“The best new business of the year is a company that enriches the business community of Umea with new ways of thinking. The winning company offers a unique product or service and has built a solid foundation for long term growth and success. The winner is a role model for others starting and growing their business. Other important factors are export outside of the city and country and the constant challenging of established ways of conducting business.”
With our unique solutions for Demand Aggregation (COS Service Zones) and Open Access Network Management (COS Business Engine) and our international success we are very proud to be nominated in this category. In only the last year or two we have managed to win customers in more than half of all US states and with our latest customer in the Philippines the only continent left to cover is Australia.
Umea has a very strong business community, not at least in the IT sector, building on one of Sweden’s largest universities and excellent broadband infrastructure with fiber in the ground since the mid 90’s. Despite the strong competition we are keeping our hopes high. The winner will be announced this Thursday night at the grand gala.
For more information on Umeagalan, visit umegalan.se.
About COS Systems
COS Systems is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
Meet the COS Team October 18th-20th in Minneapolis
COS Systems team present at this year’s Broadband Communities Economic Development Conference in Minneapolis will include International Business Development Björn Wännman and CMO Isak Finér along with CEO Peter Lidstrom and Chairman Göran Bergling.
Don’t miss Isak as a panelist during 2 separate sessions at the conference.
The first is on Tuesday October 18th for a workshop on Integrated Approaches to Broadband & Economic Development. He will be showing how to use social networking and software solutions to aggregate demand models in order to effectively create building plans, track service offerings and availability to customers.
Then he will be a panelist on a part of the Community Toolkit Program on Thursday October 20th on “Developing the Business Case: Part 3 – Demand Aggregation: Justifying the Investment. Here Isak will speak more in depth about Demand Aggregation, including various techniques and how communities have used the techniques to attract investments as well as how ISPs are able to pre-sell services in order to support buildout investments.
Swing by booth #22 and say hello to us, we are always eager to learn more about your expansion plans and discuss your thoughts on Demand Aggregation and Open Access Networks.
The event will run October 18th-20th in Minneapolis. For more information visit www.bbcmag.com.
About COS Systems
COS Systems is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
Meet our team October 8th-13th in Vegas
Are you interested in learning more about Demand Aggregation and Strategic Planning for Your Business? Then don’t miss COS Systems Key Account Manager Anders Lindehall speak on Wednesday Oct 12th 8:30am PST at the WISPAPALOOZA “Strategic Planning for Your Business” session.
No matter if you are expanding your Wireless network, or going Fiber come by our table at Fiber Weekend or booth #304 at WISPAPALOOZA and speak to Anders, Olof, or Spencer about Demand Aggregation and see how easy it is to run your own Fiberhood campaign with COS Service Zones.
For event details visit: www.wispa.org
We look forward to meeting you there.
Reabra aggregates demand for fiber-optics in Sao Paulo
Felipe Trevisan – Founder
Isak Finér and Peter Lidström – COS System
Sao Paulo, Brazil – Reabra is a fiber infrastructure provider offering Open Access Internet connections in Sao Paulo. Their vision is to offer high-speed Internet connections to residents, delivered over their open network infrastructure where multiple Service Providers will offer services to the subscribers. Using this approach, Reabra can focus on network expansion and efficient operations, while competition between the service providers will increase quality of service and drive price competition to the benefit of the residents. The services range from 100 MBps up to gigabit speeds without data caps or long-term contracts.
The system is already beginning initial setup and soon residents in Sao Paulo can visit the Reabra’s COS Service Zones website to search for their address to see if they are in the targeted areas and show their interest in a faster fiber-optic Internet connection.
About COS Service Zones
They used to say, “Build it, and they will come.” Now, there’s a better way to roll-out fiber-optics by beginning with committed customers. No more deploying from one end of town to the other only to chase customers after. Just follow these steps:
1. Draw up multiple competing zones across your city or town.
2. See demand build in real-time as customers signup using your branded website.
3. Wait until target take-rate is reached before deploying to accelerate profitability.
Our mission: Subscriber-backed, successful fiber, with no more failed projects. COS Service Zones brings broadband to homes all across the globe. Let’s discover the demand in your community.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy, and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, while using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue, and result in more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
About Reabra
REABRA provides Brazil’s best option to get connected to the Internet at gigabit speeds. With a fiber-optic based open network infrastructure, subscribers are able to choose high-speed services from multiple service providers. This competition between providers ensures high-quality services at competitive prices. While current Brazilian providers are increasingly implementing data caps for customers, Reabra is proud to offer services on their network with unlimited data traffic and no long-term commitments.
For additional information contact:
Isak Finér
Chief Marketing Officer
COS Systems AB
+46-737 51 99 38
Felipe Trevisan
Founder and CEO
+55 (11) 96922-7667
Kitsap PUD Signs Agreement to Manage Open Access Network with COS Business Engine
Paul Avis – Superintendent of Telecom Kitsap PUD and Bjorn Wannman – COS Systems
KITSAP COUNTY, Washington – KPUD (Kitsap Public Utility District) has been using COS Systems’ demand aggregation software COS Service Zones to survey the county, create community engagement and understand the desire for the deployment of a utility owned fiber optic network connecting the residents with gigabit speeds.
KPUD is one of 28 Public Utility Districts in Washington who have jointly built a fiber ring reaching almost every corner of the State and KPUD has continued to expand their fiber backbone within the county.
When moving into the residential market KPUD will do it with an Open Access model, which means they will provide the infrastructure while the services will be delivered by independent service providers, driving competition to the good of the residents.
In broadband, Open Access is almost synonymous with Sweden where fiber networks have been deployed on big scale since the 90´s and where this model is dominating the market.
The system is planned to be launched to the public in September, when residents in connected areas will be able to go to the website and shop for their Internet services as easy as buying apps on the Appstore.
About COS Business Engine
COS Business Engine is a proven network management solution, supporting both single-provider and open-access networks. Subscribers buy their Internet services from an online marketplace, which increases take rates, ARPU, and customer satisfaction, as the network owner can offer 24/7 availability, while reaching maximum operations efficiency, thanks to the extensive use of self-service solutions.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
About Kitsap PUD
Kitsap Public Utility District (KPUD ) is a municipal corporation in Washington State with incorporated boundaries parallel to Kitsap County. Our mission is building and strengthening communities through utility services. We are proud to be connecting residents of Kitsap County to each other, to local government, and to the world.
For additional information, contact:
Isak Finér
Chief Marketing Officer
COS Systems AB
+46-737 51 99 38
Paul Avis
Superintendent of Telecom
Kitsap PUD
(360) 626-7731
COS Service Zones shows public utility where to invest
KITSAP COUNTY, Washington – Little more than a year ago, residents started informally inquiring with the Kitsap Public Utility District (KPUD) to explore whether the PUD could provide internet infrastructure, rather than relying on traditional telecom and cable providers who were not meeting the needs of this rural, mountainous region within commuting distance of Seattle.
COS Chief Marketing Officer Isak Finér adds, “This is one of the most promising big-scale open-access projects in the US right now. They already have the backbone fiber infrastructure in the ground, and they know there is a great demand among the residents. With the right tool now in their hands to aggregate this demand and guide them to where they can confidently deploy to already committed customers, I’m positive this project will get a flying start and be a long-term success bringing new jobs and a higher quality of life to Kitsap County residents.”
About COS Service Zones
“Build it, and they will come?” Now, there’s a better way to roll-out fiber – with committed customers. No more deploying from one end of town to the other – then chasing customers.
Our mission: Subscriber-backed, successful fiber, and no more failed projects. COS Service Zones brings broadband to homes all across the globe. Let’s discover the demand in your community.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
About Kitsap PUD
Kitsap Public Utility District (KPUD) is a municipal corporation in Washington State with incorporated boundaries parallel to Kitsap County. Our mission is building and strengthening communities through utility services. We are proud to be connecting residents of Kitsap County to each other, to local government, and to the world.
Isak Finér
Chief Marketing Officer
COS Systems AB
+46-737 51 99 38
Paul Avis
Superintendent of Telecom
Kitsap PUD
(360) 626-7731
Infiniti Broadband Selects COS Service Zones
COS System’s Demand Aggregation Platform COS Service Zones will Enable Infiniti Broadband to Survey Communities and Pre-sell Services in Order to Determine Optimal Roll-Out Order of Their Fixed Wireless Network.
Johnie Johnson, Infiniti Broadband, Bjorn Wannman, COS Systems, Gregg Iser, Infiniti Broadband
Louisville, KY – In WISPA’s (Wireless Internet Service Providers Association) spring meeting, WISPAmerica, Infiniti Broadband announced they selected COS Service Zones to aggregate demand for their future network build-outs. Infiniti Broadband has set out to deliver state of the art fixed wireless LTE broadband services in underserved top major markets, medium-sized cities and rural areas. Their services will first be launched in selected US markets, but the ambition is to rapidly expand into more US states and the Caribbean.
“Our ambition is to deliver best-in-class services and solutions to the rural areas, which are frequently overlooked” said Johnie Johnson, President and CEO of Infiniti Broadband.
“We are thrilled to work with Infiniti Broadband to connect rural America. Their leadership has extensive experience of the industry and a firm plan for a rapid expansion. We are very proud to be part of that plan”
said Bjorn Wannman, International Business Developer at COS Systems.
The COS Service Zones platform will enable residents and businesses to locate their community’s zone on the web based platform at infiniti.servicezones.net, where they will see how many people are needed to reach the take-rate threshold for their zone to qualify for Infiniti’s final assessment prior to build-out. The platform will also be open for survey takers from any location within the selected states, so that anyone wanting better broadband can indicate their interest. If Infiniti finds enough interest in a specific location it will be added to the list of communities competing to get enough subscribers pre-signed to justify a network build-out.
“It’s really up to the people out there in rural America to show us where they want our services the most”, concludes Johnson.
About Infiniti Broadband
Infiniti Broadband: a nationwide provider of fixed wireless broadband services. Infiniti Broadband, based out of Tulsa, OK, will launch services throughout the United States and Caribbean in 2016 and will expand rapidly into many top major markets, medium sized cities and rural areas. In addition to its state of the art Broadband Services, Infiniti Broadband provides technology CORE hosting services and resale of equipment to medium and small technology companies in an effort to expedite speed to market and meet and exceed customer demands.
About COS Systems
COS Systems is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
About COS Service Zones
“Build it, and they will come?” Now, there’s a better way to roll-out broadband networks – with committed customers. No more deploying from one end of town to the other – then chasing customers.
Our mission: Subscriber-backed, successful build-outs, and no more failed projects. COS Service Zones brings broadband to homes all across the globe. Let’s discover the demand in your community.
For additional information, contact:
Johnie Johnson
Infiniti Broadband
Isak Finér
COS Systems AB
+46-737 51 99 38
Meet the COS team this week in Florida
Do you want to learn more about our products and demand aggregation? Visit our booth at NTCA RTIME in Orlando February 21-24 or the FISPA 2016 Kick Off Meeting February 24-26. Don´t miss COS team’s presentation on how to aggregate demand prior to Fiber network build-out at 4 pm Thursday the 25th at the FISPA event.
International Business Developers, Bjorn and Olof, will be attending both shows and are eager to learn more about you expansion plans and discuss how to employ COS Service Zones to do demand aggregation ensuring a successful and profitable network.
We at team COS are looking forward to meeting our existing customers and we are excited about the future possibility of working together with new clients.
COS Systems To Accelerate International Expansion
The world’s first, cloud based demand aggregation system, COS Service Zones, empowers service providers, operators and network owners to engage the community and sign up subscribers before deployment, where after they can plan and build their networks where customers demand it and financial targets are met. The COS Service Zones solution has been recognized by international market analysts as well as both hardware and software vendors/integrators in the industry.
In Scandinavia, COS Systems is known for its BSS/OSS software COS Business Engine, which is used to operate and manage large fiber optical Open Access networks in Sweden. New international customer deployments can be found in both North America and Africa, continents now experiencing a rapid growth in new network deployments.
The investors Ekstrom Invest and PartnerInvest have a history of investing in Swedish tech companies and see great potential in COS Systems’ products and the company’s international market expansion.
“COS Systems has the expertise and proven solutions for network owners to plan, build and operate networks with market leading efficiency and profitability. Combined with the experience and capital our new investors provided, we will accelerate our international expansion leveraging our unique position in the industry” says COS Systems CEO Peter Lidstrom
For additional information, contact:
COS System AB
CEO, Peter Lidstrom, peter.lidstrom@cossystems.com, +46 70 656 58 72
CMO, Isak Finer, isak.finer@cossystems.com +46 73 751 99 38
Ekstrom Invest AB
CEO, Sofia Ekstrom, +46 73 520 08 82
Chairman of the board, Gunnar Ekstrom, +46 70 573 84 90
PartnerInvest Ovre Norrland AB
Investment Manager, Ingela Lidstrom, +46 624 42 52