Reabra aggregates demand for fiber-optics in Sao Paulo
Felipe Trevisan – Founder
Isak Finér and Peter Lidström – COS System
Brazilian Open Access network operator Reabra will initially target residents in central Sao Paulo and neighboring cities Cotia and Rio das Pedras. The goal is to locate the neighborhoods showing most interest in high-speed Internet services in order to plan an optimal network build-out order following subscribers’ demand.
Sao Paulo, Brazil – Reabra is a fiber infrastructure provider offering Open Access Internet connections in Sao Paulo. Their vision is to offer high-speed Internet connections to residents, delivered over their open network infrastructure where multiple Service Providers will offer services to the subscribers. Using this approach, Reabra can focus on network expansion and efficient operations, while competition between the service providers will increase quality of service and drive price competition to the benefit of the residents. The services range from 100 MBps up to gigabit speeds without data caps or long-term contracts.
“As we expand our network it’s important for us to add many customers quickly. This is necessary for us to secure the network infrastructure investment, but also to attract service providers to deliver services on our network,” said Felipe Trevisan, Founder and CEO of Reabra. “With COS Service Zones we have a great platform to enable future subscribers to show their interest in our services, to spread the word in social media, and also become champions of their neighborhoods.”
“The obvious benefit of using COS Service Zones to signup customers before you build your network is that you can start building where you have the most subscribers and thus the most revenue. It makes a huge difference on the business side when your first deployed areas start generating cash flow from day one, providing stable funds for the subsequent build-out. But just as important is the ability to avoid those areas where take-rates are low. Imagine making your first investments in an area that doesn’t draw in any customers. Such a mistake could risk the future of the entire network buildout or even the company, since the bank or investors could lose their confidence in the project and the network itself is unprofitable,” said Isak Finér, Chief Marketing Officer at COS Systems.
The system is already beginning initial setup and soon residents in Sao Paulo can visit the Reabra’s COS Service Zones website to search for their address to see if they are in the targeted areas and show their interest in a faster fiber-optic Internet connection.
“We have customers across the globe in Europe, Africa, and North America. Reabra is our first customer in South America and an important milestone for our company. Our goal is to develop software solutions that allow our customers to make any necessary configurations and adjustments by themselves. This ease of use, along with our Cloud-hosted product suite means moving into new markets takes minimal effort. We are very happy to welcome Reabra to the COS family. We believe it will be a great beginning for more customers in South America,” said Peter Lidström, Chief Executive Officer at COS Systems.
About COS Service Zones
They used to say, “Build it, and they will come.” Now, there’s a better way to roll-out fiber-optics by beginning with committed customers. No more deploying from one end of town to the other only to chase customers after. Just follow these steps:
1. Draw up multiple competing zones across your city or town.
2. See demand build in real-time as customers signup using your branded website.
3. Wait until target take-rate is reached before deploying to accelerate profitability.
Our mission: Subscriber-backed, successful fiber, with no more failed projects. COS Service Zones brings broadband to homes all across the globe. Let’s discover the demand in your community.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy, and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, while using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue, and result in more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on
About Reabra
REABRA provides Brazil’s best option to get connected to the Internet at gigabit speeds. With a fiber-optic based open network infrastructure, subscribers are able to choose high-speed services from multiple service providers. This competition between providers ensures high-quality services at competitive prices. While current Brazilian providers are increasingly implementing data caps for customers, Reabra is proud to offer services on their network with unlimited data traffic and no long-term commitments.
For additional information contact:
Isak Finér
Chief Marketing Officer
COS Systems AB
+46-737 51 99 38
Felipe Trevisan
Founder and CEO
+55 (11) 96922-7667