Brownsville, TX, has been on the list of the least connected US cities for the past few years. Oldham County is only a short drive from Kentucky’s largest city Louisville but does not have adequate access to broadband. Through a partnership with Lit Communities, COS Systems is part of the solution for both of these cities.
Lit Communities are helping municipalities build a plan for improved broadband access, as well as offering support in financing, constructing and operating networks. With the firm determination that it’s always feasible to find ways to deploy a future proof broadband infrastructure in every community, each project starts with an in-depth assessment of the unique conditions of the specific market. The result is a business case that outlines how a sustainable network can be built and operated.
Even though this kind of business case is incredibly complex to produce, it builds on getting answers to two questions that are simple to ask; What will it cost to build and operate the network, and what will the revenue be?
It is on the revenue side of the business case preparation that COS Service Zones comes into play. While the cost is calculated by producing network designs based on service locations to be connected and existing assets in the form of fiber, conduit, poles, etc. the revenue side is harder to estimate. It is determined by how many subscribers will sign up and what services they will buy. This is why Lit Communities are using COS Service Zones to perform what is known in the industry as Demand Aggregation.
Two recent projects where COS Service Zones have been launched are in Brownsville, TX and Oldham County, KY. Both of these projects are in the first phase of demand aggregation where residents and businesses are encouraged to go to their localized COS Service Zones sites to show their interest by taking a survey. In this survey they will be asked questions about their current service and provider, as well as indicating what service package they would be interested in and their likeliness to sign up. The survey also asks market specific questions to gather information valuable to building the plan for that community. After answering the short questionnaire, the respondents will also be asked to complete a speed test that will give them what download and upload speeds they are receiving from their current provider. The results will give a good picture of what speeds are available, where customers have access to high speeds already and which incumbent providers can provide proper broadband speeds. One particularly interesting question to answer is how many respondents actually reach the definition of broadband, which today is set at 25 Mbps download and 3Mbps upload – A definition most can agree is far too low with everything the internet is used for today.
By integrating to social media and allowing local residents to sign up as “Champions”, the COS Service Zones platform aims to build a grassroots word-of-mouth movement, where the local community will drive as many people as possible to show their interest. In most communities this works incredibly well, with hundreds and even thousands of survey responses in a just a few days. This is especially true in communities currently unserved or underserved, or where incumbent providers have used their monopoly position to keep the prices high and network upgrades to a minimum – unfortunately, something common in smaller cities and rural areas.
With access to this real-time data, captured from the same persons who would be the subscribers on the network, Lit Communities can accurately predict future take-rates and revenue. The data will also help to determine what service offerings and pricing would be optimal for ensuring high take-rates and network sustainability. With these results, it takes the guesswork out of play and creates an accurate business case for the municipality and investors.
Despite the value the survey produces, the major strengths of the comprehensive COS Service Zones platform are still to come into the play when the decision to move the project forward from planning to execution is taken. Now, knowing exactly where in the city demand is greatest and competition weakest, based on the survey responses, service zones –“fiberhoods”- can be created. These are neighborhoods that will have their own signup page where the number of households required to get on the construction list is highlighted. It is now up to the neighbors to come together and sign up. The best neighborhoods will be prioritized in the build-out, ensuring that the financials of the project are always intact, and that revenue can be optimized.
“With a dedication to close the digital divide for everyone, a vision we at COS share, Lit Communities’ ultimate goal is always to deploy a complete fiber based network to every home and business in the community and then operate it on a True Open Access model, allowing local as well as external service providers to offer services to the residents and business on their networks. It will offer local companies the opportunity to grow and an attractive assortment of services and providers to the subscribers. We hope and believe that this will become a reality in Brownsville and Oldham County, “says Isak Finer, CMO and VP North America at COS Systems.
About Lit Communities
Lit Communities is both a forward-thinking builder and operator of next-generation network infrastructure and a consultancy that guides communities across the country through the complicated process of deploying their own open application fiber optic utilities. Lit Communities believes that by separating the network infrastructure from the services provided on it, a more resilient and consumer-friendly environment is created. This approach makes otherwise prohibitively expensive networks feasible to build in communities of all sizes. Learn more at www.litcommunities.net
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and operate modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. Specializing in True Open Access Networks, COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue, and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems at www.cossystems.com
For additional information, contact:
Isak Finer
CMO & VP North America
COS Systems
+1 (540) 988 3224
COS Systems Recognized as One of the Fastest Growing Companies in Sweden
COS Systems, the developer of software for fiber network builders and operators, has shown years of strong growth. This resulted in the acquisition of the company that was recently announced. Today, COS also received the DI Gasell (Gazelle) prize and earns a spot on the list of Sweden’s fastest growing companies.
Umeå, Sweden, October 15, 2020 – The leading Swedish business newspaper Dagens Industri has since year 2000 recognized the fastest growing companies in the country with their DI Gasell prize. This year COS Systems was one of the companies meeting the criteria to be awarded with this prestigious prize. This was announced at a ceremony held in COS System’s hometown Umeå. COS Systems was founded in 2011 and after an initial focus on product development the company has expanded rapidly during the last five years. Today the company has a strong base on the Swedish municipal Open Access network market, customers on multiple continents and a majority of their customers in the USA.
Less than one percent of Swedish companies meet the criteria to qualify for this prize. In short, the company needs to show a track record of multiple consecutive years of significant profitable growth. The idea of Gazelle companies was developed by American economist David Burch who introduced the concept in his 1987 book, Job Creation in America: How Our Smallest Companies Put the Most People to Work. He meant that small fast-growing companies, despite being few, accounted for the creation of 70 % of new jobs.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and operate modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. Specializing in True Open Access Networks, COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue, and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems.
For additional information contact:
Peter Lidström
COS Systems
+ 46 70 656 58 72
COS Systems acquired by Pivot Partners
COS Systems, the provider of the leading software platforms COS Business Engine for operators of True Open Access Networks, and demand aggregation platform COS Service Zones, has been acquired by Pivot. The Sweden-based private equity firm steps in as new owner as the broadband industry is at a pivotal point in time, where communities are starting to invest in fiber infrastructure at an exponential pace.
New York, NY, October 5, 2020 – Having a strong foundation in the mature Swedish Open Access market and a global customer base, COS Systems is currently expanding rapidly in North America. With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic still spreading across our world – changing the way we live, work, and learn, one thing has become clear to community leaders; Without access to high speed internet your community is vulnerable.
This critical infrastructure has been proven to be as important to communities as roads, water and electricity and should therefore be treated as such. The True Open Access business model, supported by COS Systems since the company’s inception, is ideal for these infrastructure projects.
COS Systems’ international expansion will be supported on the Board of Directors by Stefan Georgi as Chairman, who brings significant experience from the sector as an industrial and strategic advisor, and Mikael Philipsson as a member, who has previously been the CEO of IP-Only and has deep sector expertise.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and operate modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. Specializing in True Open Access Networks, COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue, and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems at www.cossystems.com
About Pivot Partners
Pivot is a Swedish private equity-fund, investing in- and developing qualitative, high-potential companies in the Nordics, with a focus on development and growth initiatives. We invest capital and engagement – lots of engagement. We support our investments with experiences, processes and networks to instill new energy and capabilities to develop and capitalize on dormant opportunities through Innovation. We like local companies. The explanation is simple; Less Talk – more action. We believe in retaining the local footprint, whilst growing the business on a global scale – strengthening the region by creating job opportunities. For more information, visit www.pivot.se.
For additional information contact:
Isak Finer
CMO & VP North America
COS Systems
+1 (540) 988 3224
Niklas Hofverberg
Pivot Partners AB
+46 (70) 190 75 58
COS Service Zones Used to Build Fiber Case in Brownsville & Oldham County
Brownsville, TX, has been on the list of the least connected US cities for the past few years. Oldham County is only a short drive from Kentucky’s largest city Louisville but does not have adequate access to broadband. Through a partnership with Lit Communities, COS Systems is part of the solution for both of these cities.
Lit Communities are helping municipalities build a plan for improved broadband access, as well as offering support in financing, constructing and operating networks. With the firm determination that it’s always feasible to find ways to deploy a future proof broadband infrastructure in every community, each project starts with an in-depth assessment of the unique conditions of the specific market. The result is a business case that outlines how a sustainable network can be built and operated.
Even though this kind of business case is incredibly complex to produce, it builds on getting answers to two questions that are simple to ask; What will it cost to build and operate the network, and what will the revenue be?
It is on the revenue side of the business case preparation that COS Service Zones comes into play. While the cost is calculated by producing network designs based on service locations to be connected and existing assets in the form of fiber, conduit, poles, etc. the revenue side is harder to estimate. It is determined by how many subscribers will sign up and what services they will buy. This is why Lit Communities are using COS Service Zones to perform what is known in the industry as Demand Aggregation.
Two recent projects where COS Service Zones have been launched are in Brownsville, TX and Oldham County, KY. Both of these projects are in the first phase of demand aggregation where residents and businesses are encouraged to go to their localized COS Service Zones sites to show their interest by taking a survey. In this survey they will be asked questions about their current service and provider, as well as indicating what service package they would be interested in and their likeliness to sign up. The survey also asks market specific questions to gather information valuable to building the plan for that community. After answering the short questionnaire, the respondents will also be asked to complete a speed test that will give them what download and upload speeds they are receiving from their current provider. The results will give a good picture of what speeds are available, where customers have access to high speeds already and which incumbent providers can provide proper broadband speeds. One particularly interesting question to answer is how many respondents actually reach the definition of broadband, which today is set at 25 Mbps download and 3Mbps upload – A definition most can agree is far too low with everything the internet is used for today.
By integrating to social media and allowing local residents to sign up as “Champions”, the COS Service Zones platform aims to build a grassroots word-of-mouth movement, where the local community will drive as many people as possible to show their interest. In most communities this works incredibly well, with hundreds and even thousands of survey responses in a just a few days. This is especially true in communities currently unserved or underserved, or where incumbent providers have used their monopoly position to keep the prices high and network upgrades to a minimum – unfortunately, something common in smaller cities and rural areas.
With access to this real-time data, captured from the same persons who would be the subscribers on the network, Lit Communities can accurately predict future take-rates and revenue. The data will also help to determine what service offerings and pricing would be optimal for ensuring high take-rates and network sustainability. With these results, it takes the guesswork out of play and creates an accurate business case for the municipality and investors.
Despite the value the survey produces, the major strengths of the comprehensive COS Service Zones platform are still to come into the play when the decision to move the project forward from planning to execution is taken. Now, knowing exactly where in the city demand is greatest and competition weakest, based on the survey responses, service zones –“fiberhoods”- can be created. These are neighborhoods that will have their own signup page where the number of households required to get on the construction list is highlighted. It is now up to the neighbors to come together and sign up. The best neighborhoods will be prioritized in the build-out, ensuring that the financials of the project are always intact, and that revenue can be optimized.
About Lit Communities
Lit Communities is both a forward-thinking builder and operator of next-generation network infrastructure and a consultancy that guides communities across the country through the complicated process of deploying their own open application fiber optic utilities. Lit Communities believes that by separating the network infrastructure from the services provided on it, a more resilient and consumer-friendly environment is created. This approach makes otherwise prohibitively expensive networks feasible to build in communities of all sizes. Learn more at www.litcommunities.net
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and operate modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. Specializing in True Open Access Networks, COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue, and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems at www.cossystems.com
For additional information, contact:
Isak Finer
CMO & VP North America
COS Systems
+1 (540) 988 3224
Broadband Communities Summit 2020
The Broadband Communities Summit is the leading event for community leaders, multifamily property owners and network builders and deployers interested in the building, managing, marketing and monetizing of high-speed broadband technologies and services.
Next week September 22-24th, 2020 COS Systems representatives will be participating in several different sessions that you don’t want to miss. Make sure to join the following:
Sep 22nd 2:35-2:45 pm CDT – Exhibit Hall Virtual Marketplace Presentation on COS Service Zones and the New Speedtest Release
Sep 24th 10-10:50 am CDT – Build Your Network as an Open and Automated Platform for Future Providers, Services and Revenue – Fast internet is just one of a multitude of services that can be delivered on your fiber infrastructure. By building your network from the start with the ability to virtually slice every fiber for specific services and for specific providers – while also being able to price those slices separately – it will be possible to deliver all the services of the future on one shared infrastructure. Yes, this introduces a whole new level of complexity. And, yes, automation is crucial. But it is already being done today, and we’ll show you how!
Sep 24th 11-11:50 am CDT – Workshop: Zero Touch Provisioning of True Open Access Networks – COS Systems has been automating service provisioning on fiber networks in Europe since 2008. In this workshop you will get to experience how this works and meet the engineers who made it possible. COS Systems is now introducing this functionality in North America in partnership with Nokia and you will also learn about their end-to-end electronics platform and architecture strategies for automated networks open to multiple service providers.
If you are interested in reading up on how we can automate the provisioning of services you should check out page 76-78 in the march/april edition of the BCC Magazine. There is also a piece about it on the news section of our website.
Make plans to visit us on the exhibit floor in the virtual Exhibit Hall! Use VIP Code: EXHVIP when registering; and receive a one-day exhibit only pass that gives you free access to the exhibit floor and sessions that day. If you wish to attend as a full Conference attendee, use VIP-code SpeakerVIP350 when registering to get a full conference pass for $350, thats $100 off.
COS Systems a Top 100 FTTH Company in the USA for the 8th consecutive year
Every year the leading fiber broadband publication Broadband Communities Magazine lists the Top 100 companies in the Fiber To The Home Industry in the United States. For the 8th year straight COS Systems earns a place on the list for its innovative software solutions allowing fiber builders to capture demand for fiber and operate True Open Access Networks with world-leading efficiency.
As the FTTH market continues to grow in the USA, COS System’s solutions are becoming increasingly important. Today, compared to eight years ago when COS first earned a position on the prestigious list, more types of entities are entering the fiber industry. While eight years ago mostly the incumbent carriers and some private ISPs were making efforts to deploy fiber networks, today many of the buildouts are driven by communities, utilities and coops.
The COS Service Zones platform, playing a vital role in any fiber deployment is used to survey communities about their need for better broadband as well as allowing the fiber builder to pre-sign up customers. By dividing the planned build-out area into smaller “fiberhoods” and letting them compete to reach signup take-rate targets, the fiber builder will know where demand is sufficient for initiating the build-out. While this helps any kind of entity reduce the risk of a build-out by signing customers up beforehand, COS Systems other solutions are very well suited to meet demands of the new entrants to the market.
As community focused entities are planning to build out fiber networks they tend to have an infrastructure view, in contrast to traditional service providers who focus largely on the services. For a municipality the biggest interest is rather what community benefits a fiber infrastructure would bring in the form of quality of life for residents and competitiveness of their businesses. With COS Business Engine, the BSS/OSS platform developed specifically for streamlining operations of True Open Access networks, COS Systems shares this infrastructure view of fiber. While the community can focus on finding ways to get the fiber infrastructure deployed, choosing an Open Access model allows them to partner with private service providers for bringing services to the
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and operate modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. Specializing in True Open Access Networks, COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue, and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems at www.cossystems.com
For additional information contact:
Isak Finer
CMO & VP North America
COS Systems
+1 (540) 988 3224
COS Systems Ready to Automate Open Access Networks as a Nokia Connected Partner
COS Systems is specializing in software to operate broadband networks open for multiple providers delivering services on a shared infrastructure. Nokia is a global leader in fixed and wireless networks and networking technologies for open network architectures, software defined networking and network slicing. After recent integration work the cooperation between the companies is now formalized as COS Systems becomes a Nokia Fixed Networks OSS Connected Partner.
With new types of services emerging, such as telehealth, internet of things and smart services, it is becoming increasingly important to have a network open for multiple providers. Instead of building a proprietary network and trying to produce all the services current and future customers will need, it is attractive to provide a robust infrastructure and then open it up to multiple specialized providers on a wholesale basis.
With COS Systems heritage from Sweden, where their BSS/OSS platform COS Business Engine is used to operate more than a hundred municipal and utility fiber networks, this is not something new. For over a decade COS has enabled True Open Access Networks, where subscribers can access an online marketplace and choose freely between any type of services provided by many competing service providers. The competitive nature of the marketplace brings service innovation, increased quality, and lower prices. This is also where the partnership with Nokia comes into play. For a network deployed using Nokia Fixed Access equipment COS will be able to fully automate the subscribers’ interaction with the marketplace. As subscribers are managing their services on the marketplace, COS Business Engine will instruct Nokia’s management and control platform to instantly perform desired changes in the network.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage True Open Access fiber networks, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on www.cossystems.com.
For additional information contact:
Isak Finer
CMO & VP North America
COS Systems
+1 (540) 988 3224
Don’t Miss Broadband Breakfast On June 3rd with COS CMO Isak Finér
Broadband Breakfast will host a live online event at 12 noon this coming Wednesday, June 3rd, with the title “Last-Mile Digital Infrastructure”. Experts, including COS Systems CMO & VP North America Isak Finer and UTOPIA CEO Roger Timmerman, will discuss the Open Access model as an ownership and operations model.
Visit Broadband breakfast’s website to learn more and find instructions on how to join the online event. You will also find a link to the recent article where COS was featured as leaders in bringing True Open Access networks to USA. COS Systems Brings Swedish Knack for Tech to Open Access Networks, Hopes for Spacious Skies on American Plains.
The June 3rd online event serves as a preview to the pre-conference hosted by Broadband Breakfast at the Broadband Communities Summit in Houston, Texas, on August 10-13.
New Speed Test Module in the Latest COS Service Zones Release
In the latest version of COS Service Zones, that was released just days ago, our most exciting new feature is the integrated speed test. Perhaps you need to prove to investors or decision makers that the need for better broadband is there or strengthen your grant application with actual speed test results showing that people are not getting sufficient speeds?
All of us working hard to bring fiber broadband to more people can probably agree that the FCC definition of Broadband being at least 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload speeds, was outdated even when it was launched in 2015. In these days of Covid-19, when so many people around the globe are working and studying from home, there are probably few who would agree that a 25/3 Mbps connection is sufficient for video conferencing, online studies, streaming, etc. All in all – speed matters, which is at the core of our latest release of COS Service Zones. Read more about COS Service Zones 4.1 here!
With this recent release we now offer our COS Service Zones customers to have a dedicated cloud hosted speed test. By testing towards a neutral cloud server, it will resemble what speeds the subscriber will actually see while using their internet connection on a daily basis. Some speed tests will test against your provider’s server which will show an idealized result, which is not the case with this test.
Obviously, the test is allowing the subscribers to see what kind of speeds they are currently getting and commenting their result, but we have of course packaged this data nicely with all the other data we gather with COS Service Zones. By having the speed test results tied to the address, coordinates and the subscriber’s survey response, many interesting questions can be answered. What is the correlation between what they are paying for and what speeds they are actually getting? Are people on different competitive providers showing different speed test results? Are there any high download or upload speeds available out there today? And of course, when running an actual test, how many are reaching speeds of 25/3 Mbps? Reliable speed test data can be crucial when applying for grants or explaining to key stakeholders why it is important to take the decision to invest in better broadband.
We hope and believe that by adding speed test results to the proven demand aggregated neighborhood by neighborhood, our customers can easier secure funding and prove the need for better broadband to decision makers – making more fiber projects move forward faster
Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a demo of COS Service Zones at sales@cossystems.com
COS Service Zones 4.1
The latest version of COS Service Zones offers a long list of big and small improvements based on all the great feedback we have received from our customers. New user roles, a new super-fast process to convert a survey response to a signup, Google tracking and more.
COS Service Zones is a Demand Aggregation platform used to survey your potential customers to find out if there is enough interest for your services to justify a network investment. It also allows you to sign them up prior to construction using a “Fiberhood” approach. When enough people have signed up in a neighborhood you know that you can start construction with confidence as people are committed to buying services. A big part of this approach is to efficiently market it, preferably with different marketing channels, but for sure using online advertising and social media. We have added support for Google’s Global site tag tracking to support you in measuring the success of your marketing efforts.
We have also added two new user roles; One that only has read-only access to a limited number of areas within the product. This role is perfect for those who are logging in to track project progress, but not to edit any information. The other new user role is a support role, with mainly read-only access, but edit rights on customers and orders. With more available roles we expect more users to get access and have added two-factor authentication at login for extra security.
Years ago, we implemented a google maps integration for the address search functionality after evaluating a few different options. Now we have also transitioned over to their maps in the admin interface, which is a great improvement. Google maps both works and looks good.
What other news are in this release? Well, we’ve done a ton of small improvements based on our customers’ feedback, such as a super-fast way to convert a survey response into a signup, allowing an address search on a separate website to be sent to the COS Service Zones site, and much more.
To see it all, contact us to schedule a demo of COS Service Zones at sales@cossystems.com
Join us in welcoming Jessica to the COS team!
We are happy to Welcome Jessica Thorfve to COS Systems. Jessica will be working as a Key Account Manager supporting our growing customer base. We’re all extremely excited to have Jessica joining us – you can’t find many people with the experience and expertise within Open Access that she brings.
Jessica last comes from one of Sweden’s largest Service Providers, A3, which is the brand under which the merged Service Providers Alltele and T3 now operates. When Jessica started at T3 in 2011, it was still a relatively small player, with under 20 000 broadband customers. During the coming five years until the acquisition by Alltele, the company had an incredible growth. During this time Jessica, who started her “while figuring out what to do next” job as a customer support rep, quickly advanced to team manager for customer support, to marketing, managing the content on the company’s web, and other related tasks.
In 2016 she became manager for the residential side of the business and in charge of the commercial relationships with the operators of the 100+ open access community networks T3 was delivering services on. After the merger of T3 and Alltele she got an even larger responsibility as manager for the entire community network broadband business unit, now adding up to almost 200 000 subscribers on close to 160 networks.
While our COS Business Engine customers are the owners and operators of the open access networks, some of the most frequent users are often the service providers. They are themselves publishing their services on the Marketplaces, creating and launching promotional campaigns, etc. The expertise Jessica is bringing about the Service Providers’ role in the Open Access business model will be extremely valuable. We are also sure, not only us, but especially our customers who Jessica will be working with on a daily basis will very much appreciate her positive attitude and consistent drive to make things work even better.