OSP insights IQGeo integration

OSP insights IQGeo integration

#15 is a great one! We have added support for — yet another — Fiber Documentation System in our portfolio. With this integration, you are able to import service location addresses into Business Engine when an area is ready for registering orders and to be built.

Business Engine shows the name and identity of the building and the connected fiber route from OSPInsight/IQGEO. There is also a direct link in Business Engine to view the relevant building in OSPInsight. The same information is also available for the technician doing the installation. In the background, Business Engine updated the status and information, such as a completed “installation task” in OSPInsight related to the service location and the service order process. Altogether, it makes planning, building, and operating your network much easier. But see for yourself and watch the video here


QR Code Scanning for Installation Workflow

QR Code Scanning for Installation Workflow

#14 QR scanning is a new feature in Business Engine  that makes the installation workflow and deployment process more user-friendly for your technicians. Moreover, it eliminates errors and allows you to streamline the process within your network infrastructure.

Are your field technicians registering the ONT serial number digit by digit or scribbling it down in a notebook or on their hand to hopefully get it correctly into your system once they return to the office? If so, you are dealing with a huge source of errors that can be eliminated!

In Business Engine, the “ONT installation” task is integrated into the work order in our deployment portal

The technician on site opens the task in the deployment portal and scans the QR code on the ONT with either their phone or reading pad. The serial number on the ONT is the key for auto-provisioning, and when the installation task is executed, the right ONT serial number is automatically tied to the right object (the house or apartment).

Network Connection Status, ONT status

Network Connection Status, ONT status

#13 is improving your network monitoring function. When a customer, Service Provider, or Network Operator creates a ticket, Business Engine automatically fetches diagnostic data from the ONT and adds it to the ticket show page.

This added information about the link or the current network connection status is a valuable improvement that enhances the efficiency of network monitoring, troubleshooting, and decision-making processes within the system.

It is winter in Sweden, where our head office is located. But even if you’re not drowning in snow, an extra pair of our cool new COS socks won’t hurt!

Today, we want to know the following: “What is the biggest challenge when operating your fiber network?

Email me your answer here; we’re excited to hear about your biggest pain points (because we can probably solve them 😉 )and will draw three winners at the end of this week.


File Attachments to Tickets

File Attachments to Tickets


# 11 makes troubleshooting much easier! Our latest feature update lets you upload images and other file types and connect them to tickets. It’s a valuable feature designed to enhance the efficiency of your support. This functionality allows Service Providers to include essential visual information, such as screenshots of an error in the system when creating a ticket. This streamlined process not only simplifies the communication of complex technical issues between Service Provider and Network Operator but also ensures that everyone receives comprehensive visual documentation to complement the written description, which makes troubleshooting easier and more efficient.

Screenshot File Attachments to Tickets

freeRadius integration COS

#10 Is really exciting news from the COS team!

We’re thrilled to introduce our latest advancement: a native freeRADIUS integration designed to revolutionize your network management. This cutting-edge feature supports a wide array of vendors, BNGs (Broadband Network Gateways), DHCP servers, and third-party provisioning systems. It works by utilizing ONT and Subscriber attributes in line with the RADIUS standard.

What sets this integration apart is its incredible flexibility. It’s tailored to accommodate any vendor-specific attributes for BNGs, including popular ones like netElastic, Juniper, and Nokia, among others. This means you can seamlessly integrate various provisioning systems and methods into one unified platform without the hassle of individual or separate integrations.

Thinking of upgrading your network element provisioning? Now’s the time to embrace the power of RADIUS with COS Business Engine’s freeRADIUS integration. Simplify your network management today!

COS Prospects API

#9 With our Prospects Partner API, it is now possible to synchronize and utilize the data you’ve gathered from other sources, e.g., the results of a broadband survey, (pre) sign-ups for your offers, or orders from your subscribers.

Even if you’re not using our marketplace to run your network, you have access to all that data, and without “swivel charing,” you can see and do the following on your BE interface:

Check availability: Search for an object to see if the option to take a survey, sign up for services, or order services is available for that object/address.

Check the status: Search for an object to see how many orders have been placed, surveys conducted, or sign-ups (prospects) have been created.

COS Prospects API


COS Speed Test Diagnostic Tool

#8 is an improvement of our Object Birth Certificate functionality.

After installing a new service location and activating the ONT for the first time, the installer can test and document the quality of the new fiber connection. With the Object Birth Certificate functionality in COS Business Engine, this task is automated, thereby saving manual work and eliminating the risk of human error.

The system saves relevant information automatically as part of the installation work order process, and the stored data can later be used for comparison if there is a problem with a service location later on.

Diagnostic Data from ONT Saved During Installation 

When the ONT is connected to the service location in the COS Business Engine installation workflow, diagnostics information for the installed ONT is automatically retrieved and stored. This is done through the COS Zero Touch Provisioning integration with the hardware vendor EMS (Element Management System). The diagnostics information includes

  • OLT/ONT status
  • light levels
  • active alarms 
  • and now also the results of a speed test that can be performed after an object has been deployed (and if it has an active or provisioned internet order)

COS Speed Test Diagnostic Tool


#7 The new display option on the Dashboard map introduces an enhanced monitoring feature for network connection status. 

This feature provides users with an overview of the ONTs (Optical Network Terminal) and their current status. By clearly indicating which units are installed and which ones are not, the map gives users a quick insight into the distribution of the network.

A particularly useful aspect of this feature is the ability to indicate whether each ONT is reachable or unreachable within the network. The clear visualization of network connection status on the map facilitates troubleshooting and enables real-time action to ensure a stable and reliable network connection.

ONT Monitoring Feature

What is an ONT?

An Optical Network Outlet (ONT) is an outlet to the internet for fiber technology, just like a cable modem is an outlet for a coaxial cable internet connection. In your fiber network, the ONT is the modem. It sends infrared light pulses to communicate with your ISP (Internet Service Provider), and with the fiber router in your house or apartment, you can then get and distribute a Wi-Fi signal to all your devices.

Network Operations API - disruptions


#6 We have several great, native integrations fostered by deep industry relationships with key partners in place, and #6 is the new API (Application Programming Interface) that we have added to our Partner API suite.

Often, a Network Operations Center – a NOC- runs and monitors a fiber network. Our integration synchronizes information between the NOC, Business Engine , and the subscriber.

It allows the NOC to push information about network disruptions into Business Engine and connect affected customers (their addresses) to this disruption.

In practice, this means that a customer experiencing trouble with their connection (because they’re affected by the disruption but don’t know it) will either go online to report the error or call their Service Provider to do so.

The start page displays information about the disruption if they go to the online marketplace to create a ticket (upgrade services or update their payment info or address)

If they choose to call their Service Provider (SP) instead, the SP sees the same information when they view the customer on the admin interface in Business Engine.