COS Recognized in Microsoft Bing Maps Customer Story
COS Systems
‘Bing Maps offered the best interoperability with COS Service Zones™ reporting software, which reduces time-to-market. And its ease of use appeals to service providers and homeowners alike.’
“We’re honored COS has been selected by Microsoft as a way to highlight their products’ functionality, Bing’s mapping features and Azure’s hosting power have been so helpful for us in our goal of making it easy to find and meet demand for broadband”
said COS Systems CMO Isak Finér.
In the case study, COS Systems Chief Executive Officer Peter Lidström describes how Microsoft helped lay the framework for the Service Zones™ solution.
“High-speed fiber networks are becoming as important as highways,” Lidström said. “We set out to build a web-based solution to help communications providers, communities, utilities, and network planners deploy high-speed networks when and where it makes good economic sense.”
The innovators behind COS Systems use Bing to locate the addresses where demand for broadband is high. Using available analytics software, COS Service Zones™ funnels survey data into an easy-to-use interface. The result is a clean, intuitive program powered by Microsoft and responsive to the needs of fiber providers and customers alike. For the case study, COS Systems Senior Developer Mikael Israelsson explained why Microsoft’s solutions were a perfect fit for the company’s vision.
“We chose Bing Maps because it is an enterprise-ready mapping tool with a flexible application programming interface that amplifies the interoperability value you normally get with Microsoft solutions,” Israelsson says. “We reduced the time to develop the business case reporting functionality in COS Service Zones™. Superior reporting, thanks to the integration between Bing Maps and SQL Server Reporting Services, adds value to our offering, and Bing Maps was unique in meeting that need for us.”
About COS Service Zones™
“Build it, and they will come?” Now, there’s a better way to roll-out fiber – with committed customers. No more deploying from one end of town to the other – then chasing customers.
- Draw multiple competing zones across your city or town.
- See demand build in real-time as customers signup using your branded website.
- Deploy once target take rate is reached to accelerate profitability.
Our mission: Subscriber backed, successful fiber, and no more failed projects. COS Service Zones™ brings broadband to homes all across the globe. Let’s discover the demand in your community.
About COS Systems
COS SYSTEMS is a leading provider of software to plan, deploy and manage modern broadband networks that support services from one or more providers, using a powerful yet simple self-service interface. COS Systems takes customer needs and delivers innovative software solutions that streamline operations, accelerate revenue and deliver more satisfied subscribers. Learn more about COS Systems on and the new innovative product COS Service Zones™ at